February 2015 – Feb 12-15 – Palm Springs Ca USA

February 12-15, 2015

Feb 12 Opening Night Preview | Benefits Palm Springs Art Museum
Palm Springs Convention Center

represented by

Tansey Contemporary

Santa Fe, NM. USA

This will be the first time Noel Hart's glass sculpture(s) will be shown at the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair.

Red Tailed Black Cockatoo – blown glass 18" H x 14" W x 3" D
below: inspired by the Red Tailed Black Cockatoos (photo)

For enquires & more info contact:

Jen Tansey – Gallery Director / Jen Rohrig – Gallery Manager
Tansey Contemporary
652 Canyon Road
Santa Fe, NM, USA

ph: + 505 995 8513
e: Jen Rohrig <rohrig@tanseycontemporary.com)